A new peer-reviewed article has been published on the health hazards of genetically modified foods in Vital Link, the journal of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. The article was commissioned by the journal and was written by Claire Robinson, managing editor of GMO Seralini, GMWatch editor and research director of Earth Open Source.
The article:
- leads with the Seralini et al (2012) study, which remains the most thorough and detailed study ever to be carried out on a GM food
- reviews additional evidence from animal feeding studies with GM foods
- supports the American Academy of Environmental Medicine’s (AAEM) conclusion that GM foods have not been properly tested for human consumption but that animal studies offer “ample evidence of probable harm”
- notes that some people in the US have reported improvements in their health and the disappearance of sometimes serious symptoms just by eliminating GMOs from their diets
- recommends choosing organic and Non-GMO Project Verified foods, and foods derived from crops that are not subject to genetic modification.
Here is the citation:
Robinson, C (2103) Don’t look, don’t find: Health hazards of genetically modified food. CAND Vital Link, Volume 20(1):17-24.
Please read the full article here.
From the report: Mark Tester, research professor at the Australian Centre groups containing GM maize.
for Plant Functional Genomics, University of Adelaide, said, “The first thing that leaps to my mind is why has nothing emerged from epidemiological studies in the countries where so much GM has
been in the food chain for so long? If the effects are as big aspurported, and if the work really is relevant to humans, why aren’t the North Americans dropping like flies?”
They are. Dropping like flies, that is.
More to come.